Sunday 1 October 2006

Launch of “Edumon” Nagios network monitoring service for Bradford schools – October 2006

Edumon is a product/service that is provided to schools that have subscribed to technical support packages by Primary Technology for. Edumon allows Primary Technology and the schools to remotely monitor critical services. We monitor disk usage, memory usage, processor usage and other services to ensure downtime is an absolute minimum. We can also use this tool to monitor sophos antivirus and school MIS versions to ensure that security is tight and that business continuity is maintained.
Schools receive notifications via Email/Phone call if any problems arise. This tool has also enabled us to monitor internet connectivity to view uptime/downtime of the Bradford Learning Network and report back to the LEA/schools with accurate data.

To login to Edumon visit and log in with your Primary Email username and password.

To change your Edumon settings simply log into the Management System at